Spend a Day with Like-Minded Sisters
A sister in Christ went through a life changing experience. She realized the need for support from a sister; however, in her congregation, she could not find just the right sister who would listen to, and understand her situation, without being judgmental and/or showing empathy. She turned to a secular counselor who helped her through her situation. She came out stronger, and back in stride with her Christian walk. However, It bothered her, being a strong Christian, that she could not find the support she needed within the sisterhood. It seemed much harder for a struggling sister.
She decided she was not going to sit in a pew and "pretend" the world was not tugging at our sisters. She knew there was a sister in Christ who could have helped her. God has planted sisters in this area to conquer any disaster the world throws at us. That sister may not be in your congregation, but she may be in the congregation across town. BUT, we won't know that if we don't get to know one another. The Lectureship Retreat is designed to bring us together (spiritually and physically). If we are around each other, we get to know each other, and we bond and grow together, all while glorifying God . And doing so will help build stronger women, stronger families, stronger congregations; and the world will know we are Christians by our love!
Events Around the Sisterhood
Thank you for your support.
Throughout the year, we will notify you of the Sister to Sister Events.
This space is reserved to announce
Ladies Days and special events.
Please send your announcements to [email protected]
Announcements must be approved by the Core Committee. It is a benefit for those congregations
participating in the Sister to Sister Lectureship Retreat.
Throughout the year, we will notify you of the Sister to Sister Events.
This space is reserved to announce
Ladies Days and special events.
Please send your announcements to [email protected]
Announcements must be approved by the Core Committee. It is a benefit for those congregations
participating in the Sister to Sister Lectureship Retreat.
Remarks About The 2022 Annual Event
"I absolutely loved the diversity of topics and women from all stages, races and walks of life. This is what sisterhood in the church is all about."
"All the speakers were very relatable."
"The topics on health and wellness was very pertinent and helped me to integrate changes in my lifestyle and mental health."
"The one lesson that resonated with me was Dr. Lyons because it had spiritual and practical applications for my life."
"Great line-up of speakers and topics."
"I thoroughly enjoyed all the speakers (Dr. Tartt was one of my favorites) – It’s very important to have self-love." |
"Sister Jackie spoke from her soul and it was an extremely personal testimony in which her story touched my heart."
"Sis Jocelyn’s reminder of joy and happiness through our journey - there is a distinct difference."
"Each speaker’s information flowed and provided me with tools and resources to use in my daily walk with Christ."
"I needed and appreciated every minute of today’s presentations."
"All the speakers were encouraging and edifying."